VinUni, VinBrain, and University of Toronto Towards a Long-Term Relationship in Research & Development, Artificial Intelligence, and HealthTech

December 13, 2022
Author: admin
VinUni, VinBrain và Đại Học Toronto, Canada tiến tới quan hệ lâu dài để phát triển nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao về trí tuệ nhân tạo, công nghệ y tế (HealthTech)

Hanoi, December 9, 2022 - at VinUni campus, a cordial meeting took place between senior leaders of VinUni, VinBrain and leading professors from the University of Toronto, Canada.

Presented at the meeting, Dr. Le Mai Lan, Vice President of Vingroup - President of VinUni, described VinGroup's position as a multi-industry corporation in 3 pillars: Technology & Industry, Trade & Services, Social Enterprise that covered real estate, commercial services, research, energy solutions to health care, education, and so on. 

As a leading private corporation that contributes to and accelerates transformation, Ms. Lan emphasized that Vietnam's key asset was its people, as the potential of a nearly 100 M population, for the country to surpass. 

 Prof. Alex Alex Mihailadi kindly greeted CEO Le Mai Lan 

People are an asset for Vietnam’s accelerated growth

Vingroup has affirmed its No.1 position when becoming one of the Top 2000 largest corporations in the world, thanks to can-do attitudes, and aspiration to lead innovation and build a new lifestyle for Vietnamese people. 

Vingroup has been a true story that has inspired millions of  Vietnamese people. 

2020 also marked a major turning point with the birth of VinFuture Awards, honoring scientists from all over the world for transformational scientific and meaningful technological innovations they have created that changed millions of people's lives across the planet.

2020 also marked a major turning point with the birth of VinFuture Awards, honoring scientists from all over the world for transformational scientific and meaningful technological innovations they have created that changed millions of people's lives across the planet.

CEO Lê Mai Lan - Phó Chủ tịch Vingroup, Chủ tịch Hội đồng Sinh viên VinUniCEO Le Mai Lan, Vice President of Vingroup,  President of VinUni.

Success comes from bold innovation and fast implementation to build a new lifestyle

Not only focusing on smart cities and shopping malls, Vingroup has also been paying great attention to healthcare and education. The number of students studying at Vinschool is approximately 40,000 at over 42 campuses across the country.

VinUni is a young private not-for-profit university established in 2020. After 2 years of continuous efforts, VinUni acquired 5 stars in ⅞ categories of QS Stars.

Along with the vision of becoming a world-class university that excels in research, teaching, service, and student experience, VinUni is deploying M.A. in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Ph.D. in Computer Science in the academic year 2022-23. 

A MedTech Ecosystem tackling world's toughest medical problems

On behalf of the senior leaders from University of Toronto, Professor Alex Mihailadis, Associate Vice-President, International Partnerships thanked Dr. Mai Lan for the beautiful story she shared, and was inspired by the unique passion and contribution of Vingroup. 

Prof. Mihailadis proudly introduced the diversity of Toronto city, and the long history of 195 years of University of Toronto. “Not only being one of the top central tech hubs in terms of attracting big-scale companies that are coming to Toronto or coming back to Toronto.”, he added,  “the city is also the top medical education hub in the world”. 

Prof. Alex Mihailidis - Associate Vice-President, International Partnerships, University of Toronto.


University of Toronto's The Temerty Faculty of Medicine is the oldest institution of biomedical research, education, and clinical network, affiliating with big hospitals, from Toronto General Hospital, which is well-known for cardiac care, organ transplants, and complex pathological, to Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - world-famous for cancer treatment. 

“It is a large ecosystem of medical and tech”, Prof. Alex Mihailadis commented.

Ranked 18th top university, University of Toronto is the home of notable leaders, such as Prof. Geoffrey Hinton, “Godfather of AI”, lecturing at University of Toronto. There were 10 Nobelists, and 5 Canadian Prime Ministers had attended.

It is Canada's largest school, in both size and enrollment, with 97,000 graduate students, not to mention higher degrees, post-graduates, Ph.D. from all over countries

Ms. Michelle Beaton - Director, International Relations, University of Toronto

Collaboration needs to happen beyond the borders

Being an alumni of University of Toronto himself, Mr. Steven Truong, VinBrain’s CEO, shared his insights into the Medical and Artificial Intelligence landscape of Toronto, and Canada in general. As an encouragement to such innovative spirit, valuable VinBrain AI fellowships had been awarded to talented students, post-graduate, and first-year Ph.D of University of Toronto, majoring in various fields including AI and Smart Health.  

In a world where health data is scattered bits and pieces, CEO Truong expressed his efforts to synchronize them.  


 As he began to clarify, there were 3 key challenges to healthcare systems: shortage of medical staff; scattered data hindering accessibility and synchronizing efforts, and last, inequity in health care, that said, people living in rural areas had less access to health care, and smart health.

In this face-to-face meeting of senior leaders of University of Toronto, CEO Truong hoped to cooperate with University of Toronto in AI generalization, healthtech research & development, and electronic medical recording for fast and accurate diagnosis. 

The beginning of a long-term and promising relationship

Sharing the common concerns in artificial intelligence, health tech, smart health and being pioneers in innovation for a better world, all 3 parties had high hopes for a long-term relationship between VinBrain, VinUni, and University of Toronto at the end of the meeting.

This opens up a unique chance for Vietnam to build a new high-tech hub with state-of-the-art facilities that researchers and academics around the world would flock to for knowledge for life. 

Let's take a look at some beautiful photos taken on the spot: 


Senior leaders of VinBrain with Prof. Alex Mihailadis, Associate Vice-President, and Ms. Michelle Beaton ĐH Toronto, CA.

Hanoi, December 9, 2022 - at VinUni campus, a cordial meeting took place between senior leaders of VinUni, VinBrain and leading professors from the University of Toronto, Canada.

Presented at the meeting, Dr. Le Mai Lan, Vice President of Vingroup - President of VinUni, described VinGroup's position as a multi-industry corporation in 3 pillars: Technology & Industry, Trade & Services, Social Enterprise that covered real estate, commercial services, research, energy solutions to health care, education, and so on. 

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